Nghĩa của từ palindrome|palindromes bằng Tiếng Anh



something (i.e. a word, sentence, number) that reads the same forwards and backwards (i.e. the words "dad", "kayak" "radar"or the sentence "never odd or even")

Đặt câu với từ "palindrome|palindromes"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "palindrome|palindromes", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ palindrome|palindromes, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ palindrome|palindromes trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. "Refer" and "level" are palindromes.

2. 1 "Refer" and "level" are palindromes.

3. Because it is a palindrome.

4. 2 The words 'deed' and 'level' are palindromes.

5. 4 He made sentences using palindrome. The effect was positive.

6. 6 Find any largest palindrome in a string no more than 000 characters long.

7. The formation of Cruciform DNA requires the presence of palindromes called inverted repeat sequences

8. ANTEDATES GUAYABERA Antedated The longest palindrome that occurs in any square or rectangle is 7 letters long

9. 5 Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3 - digit numbers.

10. 7 Both palindrome numbers and mirror - image numbers are two kinds of amusing figure phenomena.

11. 9 Both palindrome numbers and mirror - image numbers are two kinds of amusing figure phemomena.

12. ANTEDATES GUAYABERA Antedated The longest palindrome that occurs in any square or rectangle is 7 letters long

13. 8 According to MSAF, V GRM and the palindrome rule, We designed a tail segment searching filtration method, predicting gene regulation relationships of eukaryotes.

14. Sometimes a palindrome is used together with other non-mirrored material and especially in this case the mirroring is not perceived by the listener.

15. 3 Sometimes a palindrome is used together with other non-mirrored material and especially in this case the mirroring is not perceived by the listener.

16. Examples: Input : s = "Abede" Output : 2 We can make string palindrome as "Abedeba" by adding ba at the end of the string

17. However, he continued to contribute material to Word Ways for several decades, including memorable articles on palindromes, anagrams, panalphabetic windows, pangrammatic windows, self-referencing acrostics, and vocabularyclept poetry.

18. Formally, the concomitant presence of codons and Anticodons is also expected in the reverse situation, with codons containing palindrome-dinucleotides at their 2-3 positions, and Anticodons

19. Double-stranded inverted repeats or DNA palindromes have the potential to form Cruciform structures by intrastrand base pairing to extrude a pair of stem-loop structures under conditions of

20. Word ways article geographical palindrome contest Aristoteles abordo la cuestion desde el analisis de la Akrasia , la falta de dominio del incontinente, proponiendo una estructura silogistica que hiciera comprensible el